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Is King David in Heaven Right Now?

Number seven. The Bible makes it plain that King David is safe. Now, we all know about David who killed Goliath, Good king David. How many people of you believe he’s going to be safe? Bible calls him a man after God’s own heart. Jesus is called the son of David. If you’ve got any assurance that someone is going to make it, David is going to make it. What does the Bible tell us about where he is now?

Acts 2:29, Peter is preaching. This is the New Testament dispensation, New Testament theology. "Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both-" what does it say? "-dead and buried, and his sepulcher, his tomb is with us unto this day." Acts 2:34 tells us that David is not ascended into heaven. Now friends, I don’t know if we could be more specific than that. David is dead. He is buried. He’s not in heaven. Is that clear to you? Is there anyone in heaven now? What does the Bible teach?

How many of you remember when Jesus is on the Mount of Transfiguration? Mark 9, what two Old Testament characters appeared to him? Moses and Elijah.

Moses died. You read the book of Jude. It says, “Michael came and resurrected him.” Jewish tradition tells us-- it’s not in the Bible but Jewish tradition tells us, “Three days after his death, the Lord resurrected him." There’s no grave for Moses. We’ve got every reason to believe that he’s alive. He appeared to Jesus. Secondarily, how did Elijah get to heaven? He went in a fiery chariot. Who else was translated in the Old Testament without dying?

Enoch. The Bible says he walked with God and God took him after he had Methuselah, his son. I like to ask this trick question sometimes. Who’s the oldest man that ever lived?

People say Methuselah. Methuselah is the oldest man who ever died. Enoch is the oldest man who ever lived because he’s never died, right?
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