Learn the truth about death

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What Happens After You Die?
Tom’s mother recently died. He wonders where she is and receives conflicting advice from well-meaning friends and family. Lea...  
What Happens at Death?
The Bible explains that death is the reverse process of how God made mankind. What does it mean that the spirit that returns ...  
What Does The Bible Say About Death?
Jesus used the term ‘sleep’ to describe the state of the dead before the resurrection. What can we learn from His teachings?  
Is The Soul Immortal?
Is it true that the soul is immortal and that only the body dies? Many churches have taught that we have an immortal soul, bu...  
Are We Reincarnated After Death?
Do the popular views of reincarnation find support in the Bible? The Scriptures clearly explain what happens after death.  
How did God Create a Soul?
How did God make man in the beginning? Perhaps if we take a look, to start with, at what the original plan was, we will bette...  
What Happens After Death?
There is lots of controversy and confusion on the subject of what happens at death. Do the righteous immediately go to heaven...  
Did the Thief on the Cross go to heaven?
Jesus told the thief on the cross that he would be with Him in paradise. Did Christ mean that very same day they would go to ...  
Did the Witch of Endor Show Samuel to Saul?
When King Saul wanted to communicate with Samuel, was the form he saw actually the dead prophet or an evil spirit? The Bible ...  
The Witch of Endor
Who was the witch of Endor and exactly what did she do for King Saul? Some believe this evil woman communicated with the dead...  
Is King David in Heaven Right Now?
There is no question that David will be saved, but does that mean he is now in heaven? You might be surprised at where David ...  
Can We Communicate with the Dead?
When our loved ones die, can they come back and visit us? Many people believe they have seen their dead friends and relatives...  
What is a Soul?
The Bible clearly explains how God created living human beings. In Genesis 2 we discover the true definition of a soul.  
Can a Soul Die?
Does the Bible teach that we have an immortal soul? The Scriptures tell us that God alone is immortal and the soul that sins ...  
Featured Videos
What Happens When You Die?
What Happens When You Die?
Can a Soul Die?
Can a Soul Die?
The Witch of Endor
The Witch of Endor
Did the Witch of Endor Show Samuel to Saul?
Did the Witch of Endor Show Samuel to Saul?
What Happens at Death?
What Happens at Death?
Did the Thief on the Cross go to heaven?
Did the Thief on the Cross go to heaven?

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