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This page features information-packed audio presentations that will enhance your understanding of the Bible when it comes to immortality, the soul, death, and the afterlife. Just find a title you like below and then click the link to get started!
5 Minutes After Death
All These Things - Part 5
Are people conscious after they die?
Are those who have committed suicide going to be saved?
Astrology Today
Baptized Paganism
Can people really talk to the dead?
Can the dead come back and visit us?
Death and the Soul - Part 1
Death and the Soul - Part 2
Death and the Soul - Part 3
Did Moses and Elijah go directly to heaven when they died?
Did the Witch of Endor call up the dead?
Do near death experiences reveal truth about the spiritual world?
Do people go to heaven immediately after they die?
Explain about the resurrection that occurred at the death of Jesus
Explain how Samuel's spirit appeared to Saul in 1 Samuel 28?
Explain how some will not die until they see the kingdom of God.
Explain on being absent from the body, but present with the Lord.
How do you explain that the dead can not speak to the living?
How often should you visit the grave of your loved ones?
Life After Death, Pt. 1
Life After Death, Pt. 2
Life After Death, Pt. 3
Life After Death, Pt. 4
Life After Death, Pt. 5
Mystery Solved
Pagan Christianity, Pt. 1
Pagan Christianity, Pt. 2
Pagan Christianity, Pt. 3
Pagan Christianity, Pt. 4
Pagan Christianity, Pt. 5
Rich Man & Lazarus
Space Age and Death
Spirit Voices - Part 1
Spirit Voices - Part 2
Spirit Voices - Part 3
Translation of Elijah
What About Cremation?
What does it mean that some wouldn't die till they saw the kingdom?
What does it mean to be absent from the body and present with the Lord?
What does the Bible say about magic tricks?
What Happens After You Die? Pt. 1
What Happens After You Die? Pt. 2
What Happens After You Die? Pt. 3
What Happens After You Die? Pt. 4
What Happens After You Die? Pt. 5
Where do sinners go when they die?
Featured Videos
What Happens When You Die?
Can We Communicate with the Dead?
Are We Reincarnated After Death?
Did the Witch of Endor Show Samuel to Saul?
Is King David in Heaven Right Now?
Can a Soul Die?
Audio Library
5 Minutes After Death
All These Things - Part 5
Are people conscious after they die?
Are those who have committed suicide going to be saved?
Astrology Today
Baptized Paganism
Can people really talk to the dead?
Can the dead come back and visit us?
Death and the Soul - Part 1
Death and the Soul - Part 2
Death and the Soul - Part 3
Did Moses and Elijah go directly to heaven when they died?
Did the Witch of Endor call up the dead?
Do near death experiences reveal truth about the spiritual world?
Do people go to heaven immediately after they die?
Explain about the resurrection that occurred at the death of Jesus
Explain how Samuel's spirit appeared to Saul in 1 Samuel 28?
Explain how some will not die until they see the kingdom of God.
Explain on being absent from the body, but present with the Lord.
How do you explain that the dead can not speak to the living?
How often should you visit the grave of your loved ones?
Life After Death, Pt. 1
Life After Death, Pt. 2
Life After Death, Pt. 3
Life After Death, Pt. 4
Life After Death, Pt. 5
Mystery Solved
Pagan Christianity, Pt. 1
Pagan Christianity, Pt. 2
Pagan Christianity, Pt. 3
Pagan Christianity, Pt. 4
Pagan Christianity, Pt. 5
Rich Man & Lazarus
Space Age and Death
Spirit Voices - Part 1
Spirit Voices - Part 2
Spirit Voices - Part 3
Translation of Elijah
What About Cremation?
What does it mean that some wouldn't die till they saw the kingdom?
What does it mean to be absent from the body and present with the Lord?
What does the Bible say about magic tricks?
What Happens After You Die? Pt. 1
What Happens After You Die? Pt. 2
What Happens After You Die? Pt. 3
What Happens After You Die? Pt. 4
What Happens After You Die? Pt. 5
Where do sinners go when they die?
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