Learn the truth about death



What is the valley of death?

What is the valley of death?
Have you ever wondered what it is like in the “valley of death?” It doesn’t sound like a fun place to be. In reality, there is no such place as the valley of death. The phrase is a popularized misquotation of the Judeo-Christian Bible. The original phrase is found in the Hebrew Scriptures, Psalm 23:4. From the King James, it reads:

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

The original phrase in its entirety is the “valley of the shadow of death.” The difference is subtle, but important. The shadow of death implies a situation where death looms over you, but it might not result in actual death. Therefore, a situation of grave danger, such as a war zone, car crash, or industrial accident could all be considered as the shadow of death, even if you emerge unscathed.

Ultimately, whether you are in death’s shadow due to imminent danger or terminal illness, this same Bible passage gives you hope. The author of the psalm knew something that allowed him to “fear no evil.” Like the psalmist, you too can fear no evil even in the fearful valley of the shadow of death.

The truth about death will set your mind at ease and remove your fear.


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